Caitlin McCormick, the Pixie Mood Product and Inventory Analyst, shares her journey breaking bad shopping habits and approaching sustainability in an affordable way.


Here at Pixie Mood, we believe that style does not require compromise. This extends not only to our dedication of using vegan and environmentally conscious materials, but also our price point. After all, people should not have to choose between their ethics and wallet.

Though, I must admit, prior to being introduced to Pixie Mood the first thing I thought of when I heard “sustainable” was the word “expensive”. To change my own biases, over the past year I have been trying to learn as much as I can about what sustainability is, and how to do more for the planet while still following my own personal budget. Here is what I have discovered (P.S. it is easier than you think)!


Think Twice, Invest In Nice

When it comes to fashion, it is hard not to pull the trigger on that cute summer dress or new pair of shoes that are super on-trend. This was a hard pill to swallow for my own shopping habits. Just because it was cheap and looked cute did not mean I needed it! After all, every clothing item I bought that was "trendy” quickly became "out" before I even had a moment to pay it off on my credit card. This brought me to the moment where I suddenly had a pile of clothes that did not fit in my wardrobe anymore.

However, the few pieces I had saved for and bought knowing they were simpler and more minimalistic had a forever home in my closet. By investing in products that are ethically made, versatile and follow your own personal style, you are setting yourself up for a more sustainable closet.

At Pixie Mood, our favourite thing is versatility—in fact, almost all our products can be worn in at least two different ways—which can make one of our purses a staple in any wardrobe. Here are some of my favourite neutral products that you cannot go wrong with:



Alicia Tote II in Black | Caitlin Tote Small in Sand | Sophie Wallet in Black/Nubuck


Pro Tip: Those clothes that you purchased but have now fallen out of love with? You can donate or sell them to your local thrift store to give them a new home (and earn some extra cash to put towards those key pieces)!



From swapping closets with friends to outings at your local thrift shop, you are bound to find something that suits your taste. Thrifting is a fun way to expand your closet and keep clothing out of landfills! Another benefit of thrifting is that many thrift stores have charity partners that donate all proceeds to a great cause. 

While thrifting, you might also be able to score some amazing finds! Being able to discover super unique pieces is half the fun, with bonus points going to anything that is still in great condition or crafted with high quality materials. 


Shop Local



Throughout the pandemic, one of the resounding messages has been “Shop Local”. Asides from helping small businesses in your community stay in business, by simply going to a local shop you are eliminating the need for products to be shipped to your home—therefore reducing your own carbon footprint! For brands that don’t have traditional brick-and-mortar stores, check to see if they have a store locator that can help you to find a retailer close by that carries the product you are looking for.

Just because you have a budget doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your values. Aside from these tips, we also recommend you do your own research and follow sustainable influencers or brands for more tips and tricks; leave us a few of your favourites below!


Written by: Caitlin McCormick

Caitlin McCormick is the Product and Inventory Analyst at Pixie Mood. From inventory management to business reporting, she spends the majority of her day happily surrounded by data. In her free time, she loves drawing, cooking, reality TV, and spending time with loved ones.

Tagged: Sustainability